Inflation and International Opportunities: Francis Gannon on Money Tree—Royce
article 12-30-2021

Inflation and International Opportunities: Francis Gannon on Money Tree Podcast

Co-CIO Francis Gannon was a guest on Money Tree discussing inflation, why he believes there will be positive earnings, opportunities in international stocks, and more.


Co-CIO Francis Gannon was recently featured on Money Tree podcast with Kirk Chism explaining how small caps have beaten inflation in every decade since the 1930s, small cap opportunities that investors may be overlooking, and more.

Listen to the podcast here.

In the interview, which took place on November 6, 2021, Francis also noted that the labor shortage and higher demand for products has led to more productivity since pre-Covid, which could be good news for small-cap companies’ earnings. He also said that innovation remains both a critical part of our economy and that many small-cap innovators are lesser-known companies that offer considerable potential.

He also talked about the potential for increased M&A activity within small-cap, which he believes bodes well for companies with positive earnings in areas such as tech, as well as buying opportunities in areas that have lagged, such as insurance.

Listen to the podcast here.

Learn more about Francis Gannon.

Important Disclosure Information

The thoughts and opinions expressed in the video are solely those of the persons speaking as of November 6, 2021 and may differ from those of other Royce investment professionals, or the firm as a whole. There can be no assurance with regard to future market movements.

The performance data and trends outlined in this presentation are presented for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Historical market trends are not necessarily indicative of future market movements.

Percentage of Fund Holdings As of 9/30/2021 (%)

  Rogers Corporation

Capital Micro-Cap


Capital Small-Cap


Dividend Value


Global Financial Services


International Premier






Pennsylvania Mutual




Small-Cap Value


Smaller-Companies Growth


Special Equity


Total Return


Company examples are for illustrative purposes only. This does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock. There can be no assurance that the securities mentioned in this piece will be included in any Fund’s portfolio in the future.

Sector weightings are determined using the Global Industry Classification Standard ("GICS"). GICS was developed by, and is the exclusive property of, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC ("S&P") and MSCI Inc. ("MSCI"). GICS is the trademark of S&P and MSCI. "Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)" and "GICS Direct" are service marks of S&P and MSCI.

There can be no assurance that companies that currently pay a dividend will continue to do so in the future.

Sector weightings are determined using the Global Industry Classification Standard ("GICS"). GICS was developed by, and is the exclusive property of, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC ("S&P") and MSCI Inc. ("MSCI"). GICS is the trademark of S&P and MSCI. "Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)" and "GICS Direct" are service marks of S&P and MSCI.

This material is not authorized for distribution unless preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money. Smaller-cap stocks may involve considerably more risk than larger-cap stocks. (Please see "Primary Risks for Fund Investors" in the prospectus.)



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